
我们收到通知说我们创建了重复的 ASIN。并且给到了两个ASIN号码。

我们已经更新了这两个产品的信息,包括title、bullet points、dsscription、图片,part_number(当时注意到part_number是一摸一样,现在已经更新成不一样了)。我们还提供发票,两种不同包装的产品,实拍。申诉还没通过,都是机器人回复。
我们也用了库存模板选择‘x’进行删除24小时,重新上传。确保两个ASIN 信息完全不一样。

We are contacting you because you may have created product detail pages for items that already exist in our catalog.

Why did this happen?
We identified that you have created a duplicate ASIN. Sellers are not allowed to create more than one detail page for the same product.
Please review Amazon’s ASIN Creation Policy (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G201844590).

Detail Pages Needing Correction

Hello, Thank you for submitting your plan of action. We reviewed your appeal and determined that the corrective action items you have listed have not been implemented. 
Please make sure all corrective actions have been completed and violating content has been removed to be in compliance with your plan of action. 
-- Proof of product authenticity (e.g., invoice). It must clearly prove that your products do not violate the Amazon listing policy. For example, if you received a warning for a not-as-described product, then please provide an invoice proving that your product matches the description on the product detail page. 
Has your listing been deactivated in error? If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include how your listing(s) have not violated Amazon's selling policies along with documents mentioned above to support authenticity.

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