
更新注册卡图片 2022-2-15 10:59
 我们已经更新了测试报告,新的测试报告上面已经有注册卡通过的记录,但是还是没有通过审核,下面是亚马逊的回复Hello from Amazon,

We are contacting you in regards to the compliance documentation submitted for the ASIN listed below.

Our review indicates that the Consumer Registration Card submitted for the listed ASINs may be a prototype or “mock-up” that is not present on the actual inventory and therefore does not meet Amazon's requirements. As a result, we have removed the product listings for these ASINs. Please submit a new Test Report that demonstrates compliance with the Consumer Registration Card requirements.

Please note, all consumer registration cards are required to meet certain size and thickness requirements. Per 16 CFR 1130.6(a), the consumer registration card must be “at least the size of two standard post cards, connected with perforation for later separation, so that each of the two portions is at least 3 1/2 inches high x 5 inches wide x 0.007 inches thick.”

For more information on compliance requirements and details on how to submit the documents, please visit our help page at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/GBVD7NHABH77PAZ9?referral=A1V50BJLZ518MO_A35NEAESKTVVIH

我们正在就为下列 ASIN 提交的合规性文件与您联系。

我们的审查表明,为所列 ASIN 提交的消费者注册卡可能是实际库存中不存在的原型或“模型”,因此不符合亚马逊的要求。因此,我们删除了这些 ASIN 的产品列表。请提交一份新的测试报告,证明符合消费者登记卡的要求。

请注意,所有消费者登记卡都必须满足一定的尺寸和厚度要求。根据 16 CFR 1130.6(a),消费者登记卡必须“至少有两张标准明信片的大小,并用穿孔连接以便以后分开,因此这两个部分中的每一个都至少 3 1/2 英寸高 x 5英寸宽 x 0.007 英寸厚。”

有关合规要求的更多信息以及如何提交文件的详细信息,请访问我们的帮助页面 https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... TVVIH

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